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Research and Views

You may want to know what we perceive as the most common reasons managers win or lose a competition, or how we would recommend you structure a presentation. This section provides you with some quick tips on different topics from our team, as well as from other industry experts. If you have other topics you would like us to address in this section, just e-mail us at with your request and we will see what we can do to help.

Investment Management after the Global Financial Crisis
From time to time, we come across outstanding research or books. Investment Management after the Global Financial Crisis is an excellent research piece completed in 2010 by Frank Fabozzi, CFA of the Yale School of Management, Sergio M. Focardi, EDHEC Business School and Caroline Jonas of The Intertek Group. This volume is the authors' third survey-based study of investment management trends, and raises the question as to where the most profound changes are likely to occur as our industry regroups from the disasters of prior years and re-emerges into the future. Commissioned by the Research Foundation of the CFA Institute, the scope of this study was broadened beyond just quantitative investment management. Key areas of focus were: asset allocation, risk management, cutting fees and costs, redistribution of roles, ethics, challenges, as well as employment and compensation trends. All of these areas are clearly critical to the ultimate objective of our industry - and that is to earn meaningful returns on investor assets to fulfill specific objectives.

Institutional Sales Professionals - Facing a Whole New World
As the institutional investment world gained distance from the Financial Crisis of 2008, the smoke of scorched markets cleared to reveal a whole new complex world for fiduciaries and the managers who serve them.

Succession Planning 2011
Succession is a topic of interest as we travel and meet with managers around the country. Here are highlights from the 2011 NACD Board Leadership Conference.

Change in the Industry: A Sea of Challenges and Waves of Opportunities (PDF)

To Our Friends in the Investment Community (PDF)

The Courtship Between Hedge Funds and Institutional Investors (PDF)

Excel at Client Service ~ Telephone Recommendations (PDF)

7 Deadly Sins of Presenting/Respond to Questions and Objections Well (Handout from AIMSE's 2003 Annual Conference) (PDF)

A World of Change (PDF)

Attributes of Successful Investment Firms

Back to Basics ~ To Win Clients, Prospects & Consultants (PDF)

Commingled Trust Fund Research (PDF)

Evaluate Your Final Presentation (PDF)

Perfect Your Team Presenting Skills

Prepare Before Your Final Presentation

Presenting Tips for Speaking Before a Large Audience(PDF)

Presenting Tips for Video Recordings (PDF)

Risk/Reward Characteristics (PDF)

Tips from the Pros 2002 (PDF)

Tips from the Pros 2001 (PDF)

Tips from the Pros 2000 (PDF)

Tips from the Pros 1999 (PDF)
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